The books I've been reading recently, for example, all came out in 2009. All of them, too, were either about or directly developed from the art of traditional healing or shamanism he studied first-hand between 2000 and 2008 in Tamalakaw, his birth village. The Pinuyumayan word for that art is 'taramaw' (or spelt as daramaw).
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Badai (Pinuyumayan): Part I
I've been meaning to write about Badai for a while. The plan got stalled kind of because he is one of the most prolific indigenous writers in Taiwan, publishing often two or three times a year since his debut in 2007.
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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai
pai, kinemnemanga tiamadju tu kemacu tua ljigim nua kakinan. Free translation : Now, they decided to take their mother's sewing needle...

" Burnt Norton "(焚毀的諾頓)是詩人 T. S. Eliot (艾略特,1888-1965) 在1935年創作劇本《大教堂兇殺案》( Murder in the Cathedral )時,製作人發現有些台詞無法在舞台上呈現,希望詩人刪除,...
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (阿迪琪,b. 1977),非洲新生代作家,出了兩本小說、一本短篇故事集,人物情節背景均設於脫離殖民後的母國奈及利亞,得獎連連。頗呼應以下,她受TED組織邀請所做的演講:The Danger of a Single Sto...
有一種歷史不是殘垣斷壁,也不是白紙黑字,不必人們爬山涉水前去膜拜,也不需學者孜孜矻矻挑燈夜戰。這種歷史就活在一個人身上,跟著他渡過晨昏日夜,喜怒哀樂,功成名就,退隱山林,又生老病死。 民國100年(西元2011)2月21日,我到屏東縣牡丹鄉石門戶政事務所,正式登...