Sunday, February 22, 2015

Three Books about Historians

以下是三本有關歷史學家的書:時代的先行者(台北:獨立作家,2014) 、史家的誕生(台北:時英,2008)及Pilgrims to the past(Leiden: CNWS,1996),用國立臺灣大學原住民族研究中心的邀請當引言。

I have been invited by Center for Indigenous Studies of National Taiwan University to talk at a session called "Crushing Waves and Chasing Dreams: International Relations from Indigenous Perspectives"(破浪、築夢:原住民觀點的國際關係).  This session will take place on 4th of March in a cafe near my alma mater.

While this invitation honors me especially by coming from a renowned anthropologist of Taiwan and the Pacific, I am also deeply bothered by the session's focus on international relations because of two reasons.

First, despite that I was (probably still am and will be too) involved with multiple events of a diplomatic nature in different capacities for the Council of Indigenous Peoples, I have never really considered myself dedicated to international relations. As I explained in another blog post, 台灣原住民族國際事務, I was merely a vessel that contributed where she saw fit.

Second, to reorient myself back to research, I resigned my work at the International Affairs Section last April to join the newly established Indigenous Languages Research and Development Center(ILRDC). Yes, for the past few months we had international  visitors at the center and I again performed a similar role as I was doing before; nevertheless, our purpose was straightforward and targeted. We were exchanging research experience in indigenous languages.

Therefore, what can I talk about at the session? I really wonder, and I confess it has more to do with personal preference than with which story to tell.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Anthology of Taiwan Indigenous Literature


On Saint Valentine's Day of 2015, Council of Indigenous Peoples used the occasion of 2015 Taipei International Book Exhibition and launched the four-volume Anthology of Taiwan Indigenous Literature (Taipei; CIP, 2015). 

Volume I is 'Chronicle of Significant Events for Taiwan Indigenous Literature', which briefly reviews the development since 1951 until 2014. 

Volume II is the collection of 'Poetry and Prose', which contains 39 pieces of poem and 27 pieces of prose. Translators include Wu Shu-hwa, Hsu Pao-fang and Cheryl Robbins. 

Volume III and IV present 23 short stories in total. Translators include C.J. Anderson-Wu, Hsu Pao-fang, Tseng I-hua, Grace Gao (Atayal) and Yedda Palemeq (Paiwan).

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Columbian Exchange (1972)

This post is about Alfred Crosby's 1972 classic The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492 (Originally published by Praeger).





Friday, February 6, 2015

1491 (2005) and 1493 (2011)

This post is about Charles C. Mann's bestsellers 1491 (Vintage, 2005) and 1493 (Vintage, 2011).

兩本由美國記者Charles C. Mann撰寫的世界史書,用西元紀年當書名,第一本於2005年出版、2011年再版,叫1491:前哥倫布時代美洲啟示錄(大陸中信出版翻譯);第二本於2011年出版,叫1493:物種大交換丈量的世界史(台灣衛城出版翻譯)。


很簡單,因為有人先寫了,其中最經典的就是美國德州大學奧斯汀分校榮譽教授Alfred W. Crosby所寫的The Columbian Exchange(《哥倫布大交換》,1972年問世,2003年再版)。這本書提供學者及讀者觀察世界史的全新視野,影響深遠,Mann就是其中一位深受感動的人。

Mann說,他根本是《哥倫布大交換》的粉絲,好不容易認識Crosby教授本人之後,非常希望教授再擴充、再繼續寫,一直盧一直盧,盧到教授後來都煩了,吼了他一句(growled at him):你那麼有興趣,幹嘛不自己寫?他只好摸摸鼻子,拿出當記者的看家本領,到處讀,到處跑,到處訪問,花了好幾年時間,終於寫出兩本把偶像包在中間的書。


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Itih a TaoS (Saisiyat)


I do not know itih a taoS personally as I know Rimuy Aki or paelabang danapan. In fact, when I first picked up the book, I was wondering if the author came from outside of Taiwan. Even being indigenous myself, I find his name as foreign to me as Miguel Ángel Asturias, for example. 

Not until I read the foreword and the story about the author's Chinese name that I soon realized he is the oftentime winner of indigenous literature awards here in Taiwan. 

A writer from the relatively smaller Saisiyat People found separated by Dabajian Mount Ranges in two different counties, Hsin Chu County for Northern Saisyat and Miaoli County for Southern Saisyat, itih a taoS belongs to Southern Saisiyat, whose writing again won the laureate of the category of short story in 2014 San-hai Indigenous Literature Award. 

Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

pai, kinemnemanga tiamadju tu kemacu tua ljigim nua kakinan.   Free translation : Now, they decided to take their mother's sewing needle...