Sunday, March 29, 2020

Paiwan Every Day 22: ljayar

The world is deep in its campaign against the pandemic COVID-19. More and more countries are issuing new measures on border control, community lockdown, home isolation, social distancing, gathering prohibition.

But Belarus is different. The president just asks his people to wash hands, drink (alcohol), and take sauna.

Drink alcohol. That's how we in Taiwan also figure the low impact of COVID-19 upon indigenous villages. Is it true?

temeketekel amen i qinaljan, manu maipuq azua ljayar, sa macai timadju. 

In English:
We are drinking in the village. Then the flu drops to the floor, and it dies.

  1. t<em>eke-tekel: drinking, actor voice (AV). The root is tekel 'drink'. 
  2. amen: we, 1st person plural nominative (NOM) 
  3. manu: then, implying surprise
  4. ma-ipuq: fall or drop to the floor. ma- 'to be in the condition of'; the root is ipuq 'fall'. 
  5. a-zua: that
  6. ljayar: flu or epidemic
  7. sa: then
  8. ma-cai: die. The root is cai 'die'. 

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

pai, kinemnemanga tiamadju tu kemacu tua ljigim nua kakinan.   Free translation : Now, they decided to take their mother's sewing needle...