Friday, August 7, 2020

Paiwan Every Day 153: maimay

paquziquzip ta maimay a nia ljaqediqedi.

In English: 
Our neighbor is a duck farmer.

  1. paquziquzip: the root is "quzip"  (to feed, to nurture). [pa-quzip] means to do the action of feeding; redulipcation quzi-quzip indicates the present tense. 
  2. ta (tua): case marker for the oblique object or beneficiary
  3. maimay: duck
  4. a: case marker for the nominative subject
  5. nia: our
  6. ljaqediqedi: the root is "ljaqedi-" (border, neighbor). reduplication indicates closeness. 

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

pai, kinemnemanga tiamadju tu kemacu tua ljigim nua kakinan.   Free translation : Now, they decided to take their mother's sewing needle...