Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Paiwan Every Day 171: kemuda

nu marekasuqelam a paqulid, kemuda a maljaljungu?

In English:
When you really dislike each other, how can you get along?

  1. nu: if or when (in future)
  2. marekasuqelam: the root is qelam 'to hate, to dislike', bound; the most common form is suqelam. mare- is a prefix that indicates a mutual condition or reciprocity; marecekelj or maresaladj means husband and wife with cekelj or saladj meaning spouse. ka- is a prefix used as pro forma with negative construction. together, mare-ka-suqelam means to hate each other. 
  3. a: ligature
  4. paqulid: the root is -qulid 'true, truthful, sincere'. [pa-qulid] means really. 
  5. kemuda: the root is -kuda 'rule, work, result, what happens'. [k-em-uda] means how, actor voice (AV).
  6. a: ligature
  7. maljaljungu: compund (malja + ljungu 'beside'), to get along. malja is another prefix that indicates reciprocity (each other) when used with another word; therefore, maljaljungu to be beside each other, to get along. 

And today is Chinese Valentine's Day? Oh, well. Haha. 

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

pai, kinemnemanga tiamadju tu kemacu tua ljigim nua kakinan.   Free translation : Now, they decided to take their mother's sewing needle...