Saturday, January 2, 2021

Paiwan Every Day 301: susu // pasusu

nakuya inika itjen a pasusu tua siuntinting a kakudan, maqaluvu a tja djalan. 

In English:
It’s not good to not follow traffic regulations, our traffic will become chaotic.

  1. na-kuya: not good or bad. The root is kuya ‘bad, ill luck’.
  2. inika: not, negator (NEG)
  3. itjen: we inclusive (INCL)
  4. a: ligature (LIG)
  5. pa-susu: follow or obey. The root is susu ‘meaning’.
  6. tua: oblique (OBL) case marker
  7. si-un-tin-ting: to use (as instrument) for driving. The root is unting ‘drive’ in reduplication (RED), loanword from Japanese 運転うんてん.
  8. a: ligature (LIG)
  9. ka-kuda-(a)n: custom or ways of doing things. The root is kuda ‘rule’.
  10. ma-qaluvu: become confusing or chaotic. The root is qaluvu ‘mix, confuse’.
  11. a: subject case marker
  12. tja: our, 1st person plural genitive (GEN)
  13. djalan: road

This was written at the intersection where to make a left turn to my village spungudan. I was literally stopped at my own door as a chain of vehicles packed with hot spring or 温泉おんせん seekers  jammed the traffic. Never in my life; quite a view. 

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

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