Saturday, April 11, 2020

Paiwan Every Day 35: vililj // semanvililj

This is my response to the most heated debate after the WHO routine conference on 8 April 2020, dubbed "ThisAttackComesFromTaiwan" conference. 

aljak na kacalisian i taiwan aken.
qucengecengelj aken uta, ljakua inika aken a semanvililj tua kama tedros.
maya pasekapalak tua kacauan, ui, kama tedros.
kivalavalauanga a sema tua nia qinaljan i taiwan.

In English:
I am a child of Paiwan in Taiwan. 
My skin is dark too, but I didn't accuse Director-General Tedros [of being a nigger]. 
Please do not mislead the world, DG Tedros. 
Come to visit our village in Taiwan. 
Thank you.  

  1. aljak: child
  2. ka-calisi-an: indigenous people or Paiwan. The root is calisi 'hill'. 
  3. qu-cenge-cengelj: black. The root is qucengelj 'dark, black' in reduplication (RED). 
  4. inika: did not
  5. seman-vililj: to slight or accuse. The root is vililj 'behind, after'. 
  6. kama: father or elder
  7. maya: do not, prohibition
  8. pa-se-ka-palak: confuse or mislead. The root is palak 'damage, break'. 
  9. kacauan: the world, the earth, where people are
  10. kivala-vala-anga: invite to come and visit. The root is kivala 'visit'; -anga 'change of state (COS)'.
  11. nia: our, 1st person plural genitive (GEN)
  12. qinaljan: village

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

pai, kinemnemanga tiamadju tu kemacu tua ljigim nua kakinan.   Free translation : Now, they decided to take their mother's sewing needle...