Saturday, November 21, 2020

Paiwan Every Day 259: liaw // papeliaw

tjakudain nu papeliaw a ku paisu?

In English
What shall I do if I want to multiply my money?

  1. tja-kuda-in: how to
  2. nu: if when
  3. pa-pe-liaw: to make more or increase or multiply. pa- 'to cause to be'; pe- 'to emerge or come to view'; the root is liaw 'many, a lot of'. 
  4. ku: my, 1st person genitive (GEN)
  5. paisu: money

I am learning how to invest and how to generate passive income. Money is still a difficult concept to work around with for many of us from the indigenous villages. Making money out of money is even more unimaginable. It literally feels like moving to another planet. 😆😆

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

pai, kinemnemanga tiamadju tu kemacu tua ljigim nua kakinan.   Free translation : Now, they decided to take their mother's sewing needle...