Thursday, September 3, 2020

Paiwan Every Day 180: kemasinu

nakemasinu a sasequ a semila aravac?

In English: 
From where comes such a sickening odor?

  1. nakemasinu: the root is inu (where), to have come where/which place. first, the compound kasinu becomes AV (actor voice) verb with infix <em> inserted in the middle (k-em-asinu); second, the AV verb is made a PFV (perfective) by the prefix na- (na-kemasinu). 
  2. a: case marker for the nominative subject
  3. sasequ: the root is sequ (smell). the prefix sa- means to have quality or flavor of odor; together, it means bad smell or odor
  4. a: ligature, to link with the second verb of the sentence
  5. semila: the root is sila (sickening). sila becomes AV, which is always the case for the second or third verb in a Paiwan serial verb construction, by the infix <em> (s-em-ila). 
  6. aravac: very, quite

(Adapted from CIP Online Paiwan Dictionary-sasequ; there are still many problems with the writing of Paiwan on this website, so I modify sentences here and there according to my knowledge.)

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