Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Paiwan Every Day 192: selangeda

selangeda aken tu palisi a venaqesing nu uri qemaljup. 

In English: 
I heard that it is a taboo to sneeze when going hunting.

  1. se-langeda: to hear something unintentionally or unexpectedly. se- the prefix indiactes 'occur suddenly or unexpectedly/unintentionally' (Huang, "A Study of Verbal Morphology in Puljetji Paiwan", p. 214). 
  2. aken: I, 1st PERS (personl pronoun), singular
  3. tu: that, complementary. 
  4. palisi: taboo
  5. a: ligature
  6. v<en>aqesing: sneeze, actor voice. the root is vaqesing 'to sneeze'. the function of <en> is the same as <em> but used with labial consonants.  
  7. nu: if, when
  8. uri: will do somthing
  9. q<em>aljup: go hunting. the root is qaljup 'hunt'. 

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

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