Thursday, September 10, 2020

Paiwan Every Day 187: qemerepus

qemerepus a djalan. 

In English:
It's getting foggy on the road.

  1. q<em>erepus: to get foggy, to fog up. the root qerepus means cloud or mist. 
  2.  a: nominative phrase marker for common specific noun
  3. djalan: road, way

From Wei-chen Huang, "A Study of Verbal Morphology in Puljetji Paiwan" (2012), p. 33. 

Huang's translation goes "Clouds appear on the road", but I prefer the translation on CIP Online Paiwan Dictionariy qemerepus 'to fog up'. Also scientifically a visble body of condensed water close to the earth is called fog or mist, and that close to the sky, called cloud. 

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