Sunday, September 6, 2020

Paiwan Every Day 183: makuda, aku

makuda sun? aku sun a qemauqaung a macidji?

In English: 
What happened with you?
Why are you crying by yourself?

  1. ma-kuda: what happened. the root is kuda- (rule, work, what's up). ma- means 'to be affected by, to be in a condition of' (Ferrell, 1982). 
  2. sun: 2nd person personal pronoun, singular
  3. aku: why. the root is ku (why, for what). a is uncertain. 
  4. qemauqaung: crying. the root is 'qaung'. q<em>aung means to cry, AV or actor voice. RED or reduplication q<em>auqaung indicates present progressive or V-ing. 
  5. a: ligature
  6. macidji: alone, by oneself. the root is cidji- 'by oneself'. ma- means 'to be affected by, to be in a condition of). 

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

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