Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Paiwan Every Day 655: pai

pai, kipapaulingavu. akumayanga sa su tjengez?

Free translation
Come on, get it all together. Why are you dozing off like this?

Word gloss
  1. pai: indicate irritation, sarcasm, scold
  2. ki-pa-pau-lingav-u: be careful, watch out, keep alert. The root is lingav 'time, wisdom, hurry'. 
  3. akumayanga: for what, why. I think this is a combination of aku 'why', maya 'like this or similar', and -anga 'suffix indicating change of state'. 
  4. sa: subject case marker
  5. su: your, 2nd person SIN GEN
  6. tjengez: doze, sleepiness
Voice file

From ILRDF Online Paiwan Dictionary tjengez

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

pai, kinemnemanga tiamadju tu kemacu tua ljigim nua kakinan.   Free translation : Now, they decided to take their mother's sewing needle...