Monday, June 20, 2011

At The End of Formosa

我在第八屆歐洲台灣研究學會研討會(8th EATS Conference)中分享的台灣原住民故事:


Yedda Palemeq's paper "At The End of Formosa—Indigenous Agency in Lonckjouw-Dutch Encounter (1636-1645)", presented  in the 8th EATS Conference (May 14, 2011) in Ljubljana University, Slovenia. An excerpt of her abstract is as followed:

"The focus of this essay is Lonckjouw, an indigenous kingdom on the southernmost tip of Formosa, where the Dutch VOC ventured since early 1636 to open the way to the legendary gold in the east. It is a reconstruction of how local people of Lonckjouw reacted toward the Dutch advance strictly based on secondary and primary sources. It presents indigenous agency demonstrated by various indigenous villages in their resistance to and collaboration with the Europeans. The nature of indigenous agency reconstructed from colonial archives is still prone to debates. Without claiming a true or real indigenous agency, this reconstruction of a narrative of Lonckjouw-Dutch encounter shows how re-reading and re-writing are both essential to the writing of the history of people without history."

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

pai, kinemnemanga tiamadju tu kemacu tua ljigim nua kakinan.   Free translation : Now, they decided to take their mother's sewing needle...