Saturday, December 4, 2021

Paiwan Every Day 636/637: ayatua (I)

inianga kapazangal a kemesa tucu, ayatua izuanga a tinku. 

Free translation
Because of electrical rice cooker, it is no longer difficult to cook now. 

Word gloss
  1. ini-anga: no longer. ini- 'no, not, NEG'; -anga 'marker of change of state'. 
  2. ka-pazaangal: be difficult. ka- 'inchoative marker'; the root is pazangal 'valuable, difficult'. 
  3. a: LIG
  4. k<em>esa: cook, AF. The root is kesa 'cook'. 
  5. tucu: now
  6. ayatua: because of, because
  7. izu(a)-anga: there exists already
  8. a: subject case marker
  9. tinku: electric rice cooker, loanword from Mandarin. 
Voice file

From ILRDF Online Paiwan Dictionary ayatua

ayatua a benuru uri si'atarivak na 'u lingalingaw. 

Free translation
Because exercise will make my body healthy. 

Word gloss
  1. ayatua: because
  2. a: subject case marker
  3. b<en>uru: exercise or do sports or literally to play with a ball, AF. The root is buru 'ball', loanword. 
  4. uri: want to or will
  5. si-'(k)a-tarivak: to make healthy, IF. The root is tarivak 'healthy'. 
  6. na: of, GEN
  7. '(k)u: my, 1st person SING GEN
  8. lingalingaw: body
Voice file

From klokah undu

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

pai, kinemnemanga tiamadju tu kemacu tua ljigim nua kakinan.   Free translation : Now, they decided to take their mother's sewing needle...