Friday, July 31, 2020

Paiwan Every Day 146: tjukaw

nu djemavac i djalan a tjukaw, gemaljugalju. 

In English: 
Turtles are slow when walking on the road.

  1. nu: when, if
  2. djemavac: the root is "djavac" (walk, walk past). [dj-em-avac] means to walk, actor voice. 
  3. i: in or at
  4. djalan: road, roads
  5. a: case marker for the nominative subject
  6. tjukaw (or tjangurunguru): turtle, turtles
  7. gemalju: the root is "galju" (slow, gentle, polite). [g-em-alju] means to be slow, actor voice. gemalju-galju with duplication means very, very slow. 

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

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