Monday, November 2, 2020

Paiwan Every Day 240: paqeteleng

nakuya tjengelay a paqeteleng. 

In English:
Do not give your love without thinking. 

  1. na-kuya: do not, prohibition. the root is kuya 'bad, ill luck'. 
  2. tjengelay: like
  3. a: ligature (LIG)
  4. paqeteleng: casually without thinking. paqateleng is also used. 

From Abao's album "kinakaian" (2019) Track no. 6 kalipang

Traditionally it would be difficult to do so too. Paiwan people have a set of etiquette for marriage. sinsi idis (Puljetji village) taught us today that whether in the past or nowadays, we Paiwan still follow these rules for match-making. 

First, you (1) kivala, visiting the village and family of your kinatjenglayan 'loved one'. If things go well, you (2) maljavar, initiate the discussion of marriage and go through the lineage of both sides. Until this moment, either side is allowed to change their mind. However, when things proceed to (3) temekelj ta sinikarasudj, it is the final step before (4) pucekelj a wedding. The deal is settled and should be honored; regret is not acceptable. 

Isn't this so beautiful? Thank you!

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

pai, kinemnemanga tiamadju tu kemacu tua ljigim nua kakinan.   Free translation : Now, they decided to take their mother's sewing needle...