Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Paiwan Every Day 255: paljavak

kasicuaian, aicu a mamazangiljan napaljavak tua pana, cemecemel, qinaljan katua taqaljaqaljan. 

In English: 
In the past, the chief's sphere of power or influence covered the river, forest, village and people. 

  1. ka-si-cuai-an: in the past. The root is cuai 'long time ago'. 
  2. a-icu: this, referring to the chief's power.
  3. a: subject case marker
  4. ma-mazangilj-an: chief. The root is mazangilj 'chief, leader'. 
  5. na-paljavak: covered. na- perfective (PRF); the root is paljavak 'cover, include, territory, circle of power'. 
  6. tua: oblique (OBL) case marker
  7. pana: river
  8. cemecemel: forest. The root is cemel 'bushes' in reduplication (RED). 
  9. qinaljan: village
  10. katua: and, conjunction (CON)
  11. taqaljaqaljan: village people 

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

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