Thursday, February 11, 2021

Paiwan Every Day 341: sengac // masengac

masengac timadju a kiqaqivuan tjanusun. 

In English:
She dislikes talking to you. 

  1. ma-sengac: dislike or hate, actor voice (AV). ma- 'to be affected by without volition'; the root is sengac 'dislike'. 
  2. ti-madju: he or she
  3. a: ligature (LIG)
  4. ki-qa-qivu-an: speak with or talk with. The root is qivu 'speak, narrate, so say'. Conjugation of the word is interesting, but I will leave this exercise until later. 
  5. tjanusun: towards or with you

Haha. So negative these days! Another way to take advantage of language exercise! 😆😆

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

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