Monday, March 16, 2020

Paiwan Every Day 9: ledep // maledepanga

maledepanga a qadaw, miselemananga a kadjunangan. 
miselemananga a kadjunangan, zemaing a tjikililj. 
zemaing a tjikililj, minequt a qiljas. 
minequt a qiljas, paceged a ljequ. 

In English:
As the sun sets, it becomes dark on earth. 
As it darkens on earth, crickets start to sing. 
As crickets sing, the moon shows her face. 
As the moon appears, the Owl wakes up. 

  1. ma-ledep-anga: to have set in the west. The root is ledep 'west'. 
  2. qadaw: sun
  3. mi-selem-an-anga: to become dark. The root is selem 'underworld'. 
  4. kadjunangan: earth, land
  5. z<em>aing: to make sound. The root is zaing 'sound'.
  6. tjikililj: a cricket
  7. minequt (minqut): to come out or appear
  8. qiljas: moon
  9. pa-ceged: to wake up. The root is ceged 'wake up'. 
  10. ljequ: an owl

From Lesson 1 Level 4 of Southern Paiwan Language Textbook. 

I like the way these imageries are piled up, from the setting sun to the darkening earth, from the singing cricket to the revealing moon. In the end, it comes the Owl, waking up from his sleep to start another lone journey into night. 

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

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