Thursday, October 22, 2020

Paiwan Every Day 229: kadjunangan

aicu a kadjunangan namasan zaisang nua paiwan. 

In English:
This (so-called) land is the property of Paiwan. 

  1. a-icu: this. a nominative (NOM) case marker is not bound, but in aicu 'this/these' and azua (aza) 'that/those', it is linked to the root icu and zua (za). 
  2. a: ligature (LIG)
  3. kadjunangan: land or weather
  4. na-masan: is or becomes. na- 'stative (for inherent property of person or event)'; the root is masan 'refer to, is'. 
  5. zaisang: (loanword) property, wealth, fortune, transliteration from Minnan tsâi-sán. a synonym is sauzayan
  6. nua: of, genitive (GEN) case marker
  7. paiwan: Paiwan

I remember when vuvu marau was alive, she always talked about our land. kadjunangan, kadjunangan, kadjunangan... It was the key word in almost all of our conversations. 

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

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