Friday, October 23, 2020

Paiwan Every Day 230: za // kaimazanga

kacalisian aya itjen a paiwan tua kaimazanga a mareka caucau. 

In English: 
We Paiwan call each people that has been here [indigenous peoples] the hill peoples. 

  1. ka-calisi-an: hill people. ka- 'locative state nominalization'; the root is calisi 'hill, slope'; -an 'abstract state nominalization'
  2. aya: say, call
  3. itjen: we, 1st person plural inclusive (INCL)
  4. a: ligature (LIG)
  5. paiwan: Paiwan
  6. tua: oblique (OBL) case marker
  7. ka-i-ma-za-(a)nga: have been here. My analysis of the word goes: ka- 'locative state nomalization'; i 'in or at' (LOC); ma- 'to be in the condition of without volition'; the root is za 'here, this place'; and -anga 'change of state (COS)'. It important to stress ma- iindicates somehting happens naturally without human intervention such as will or volition. It shows for Paiwan people, the fact that they belong to a land since time memorial as indigenous or aboriginal is natural. 
  8. a: ligature (LIG)
  9. ma-reka: every or each. ma- 'stative; quantifier for persons'; the root is reka 'each, every'
  10. caucau: people, human being
  11. kaimazanga a mareka caucau: every and each indigenous people

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

pai, kinemnemanga tiamadju tu kemacu tua ljigim nua kakinan.   Free translation : Now, they decided to take their mother's sewing needle...