Monday, August 31, 2020

Paiwan Every Day 177: semainu

uri semainu sun a padjeledjele tua nemanemanga?

In English:
Where are you going, packing your things right now?

  1. uri: want to, going to do something
  2. semainu: compund sema (go; the root is sa, <em> is AV infix) + inu (where), that is to mean to go where
  3. sun: you, singular, bound
  4. a: ligature, to connect the second verb in a Paiwan sentence 
  5. padjeledjele: the root is delje- (to prepare for an occassion). pa-djele-djele (pa- + djele in reduplication) means to prepare, present progressive, AV (actor voice). 
  6. tua (ta): case marker for the oblique
  7. nemanemanga: the root is nema- (what, thing or possession, where). nemanemanga means thing, belonging in someone's possession. 

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

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