Sunday, January 17, 2021

Paiwan Every Day 316: gacalj // migacalj

migacalj a'en i tja pitju a milingan nu kadjamadjaman. 

In English
I get up at seven o'clock in the morning. 

  1. mi-gacalj: get up or wake up, actor voice (AV). mi- 'agent verb narker'; the root is gacalj 'stand or rise up'. migacalj also means to get up from a chair or seat. 
  2. a'en or aken: I, 1st person singular nominative (NOM)
  3. i: in or at, locative (LOC)
  4. tja: oblique (OBL) case marker
  5. pitju a milingan: seven o'clock. pitju 'seven'; a 'ligature (LIG)'; milingan 'time, o'clock'. 
  6. nu: if or when
  7. ka-djama-djama-(a)n: morning in reduplication (RED). The root is djama 'dawn'. 

Now only for practice. Hopefully can become true and even earlier, because morning is actually a sweet time for the self. 

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

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