Thursday, April 30, 2020

Paiwan Every Day 54: sepi // namisepi

Dream big. It may be impossible to make millions by oneself. Nevertheless, dream heartily and sincerely. You will attract people with the same dream. Together you will pull in that much or even more resource to realize a common dream.

Therefore, dream big. For true sevadars.

namisepi aken tu makaya aken a miperper. 

In English: 
I dreamed that I can fly.

  1. na-mi-sepi: to have dreamed, actor voice (AV). na 'perfective (PRF)'; mi- 'agent marker for intransitive verbs'; 'the root is sepi 'dream, luck'.
  2. aken: I, 1st person singular nominative (NOM)
  3. tu: that, complementizer (COMP)
  4. makaya: be able to, can
  5. mi-perper: fly, AV. The root is perper 'fly'.

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Paiwan Every Day 668: pai

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